From: X X (
Date: 10/05/92

From: (X X)
Subject: X11v1.1,GCC2.2.2d,linux.98,ka9q all i need for slip connection?
Date: Tue, 6 Oct 1992 04:38:51 GMT

I'm using linux for 2 reasons: One to actually learn more about OS's and I
want to use it to connect to my universitys machines via slip connection.
I have access already and all i have to do is get linux ready. Ive installed
x once but only got the grey screen and the cursor, no xterm's popped up.
I have GCC2.2.2d, and am about to install ka9q this or next wkend. Is this
all Im going to need to make this connection? How am I going to establish it?
So far I believe you call with something like kermit, at the terminal you
type slip then your address and passwd. Then you shell out and start your
slip, then youd run X and Xhost +, then setenv DISPLAY what ever over on
the other machine. Then you could run xterms from over the line. I have
the 14.4 modem with the 16550A uart ready and all the memory and speed ill
need. Is this all I have to do to get this started?