.pdf's! So THAT'S why they are so damn expensive. ;-)

On 5/23/07, djgoku <djgoku@gmail.com> wrote:
On 5/23/07, Tim reid <bewkard@gmail.com> wrote:
> I know that the LUG is full of bleeding edgers.  Has anyone converted over
> to all electronic banking/finaces?  do you receive all your statements
> through email?  What are the pros?  cons?

Bank of America does PDFs for monthly statements. It is alright I
guess nothing to really shout about.

When reading the title I was thinking more along the lines of scanning
receipts and other documents. Then burning or shredding the real
copies or put them in a safety deposit box. But I have been thinking
about getting a scanner for documents I can't get digital copies.
Kclug mailing list


Ty Unes - Overland Park, Ks.